Red Bay Castle

Red Bay Castle sits on a scenic coastline. If you like castles like I do, you will love it here. The castle will fill you with wonder and fascination. There’s something magical about it.

I still remember my visit back in 2 years ago. The myth and stories, the chambers and that feel I cannot forget. I will visit there again sometime in the near future for sure. But now, grab a cup of tea and let me take you on a little adventure of Red Bay Castle. By the end, you’ll be itching to visit and experience its magic for yourself.

The History of Red Bay Castle

What I have learned, Red Bay Castle has a fascinating history. It was built in the 13th century. This ancient fortress served as both a home for nobility and a defensive structure. The castle sits on a rugged coastline so that it can be a strategic spot to guard against invaders and watch over the surrounding lands.

The origins of the castle are somewhat mysterious. It’s believed that a powerful local lord commissioned its construction to establish his dominance in the region. The castle was built from local stones.

Red Bay Castle has played a significant role in regional conflicts, serves as a stronghold and a refuge during times of unrest. In the 16th century, it became the residence of a prominent noble family. This family expanded the castle and improved its defenses.

Over the time, the castle changed hands, and each family took it added their own touch. In 1652, eventually, the castle was left in ruins by a group of soldiers led by a man named Cromwell.

Several notable figures are associated with Red Bay Castle. Sir Hugh O’Neill sought refuge within its walls during the Nine Years’ War. His presence there highlights the castle’s strategic importance and the protection it offered.

To learn more history about Red Bay Castle, visit here

Architectural Features

The entrance of Red Bay Castle is impressive. The grand gatehouse sets an adventurous tone. After passing through it you see the main keep a towering structure. The keep’s thick walls and narrow windows provide a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape.

Inside The Great Hall was the heart of social life where feasts and gatherings were held. Winding staircases and hidden passageways add mystery and spark imagination about who might have used them centuries ago.

The castle forms one wall of the cool two-story Tower House. If you look closely, you’ll see some neat stone decorations up high and some holes.

One highlight of Red Bay Castle is its chapel. It has intricated stained glass windows and detailed carvings. This serene space offers a glimpse into the spiritual life of the castle’s residents.

The castle was built in medieval style with rugged stone walls and imposing towers. This style reflects its era and adds to its strong and enchanting presence.

Practical Information for Visitors

If you are planning your visit to Red Bay Castle? Here’s all the essential information you’ll need to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Location: Red Bay Castle is located in the scenic countryside, approximately 20 miles north of the nearest town, Glenhaven.

To visit Red Bay Castle from Dublin, many people rent a car for more flexibility and convenience in reaching this remote location. If you can’t or don’t want to drive, you can use public transport.

Start from Dublin and take an hourly train to Belfast. From Belfast, you can take a bus or a taxi to Red Bay Castle. Here is the google map

Best Times to Visit: To make the most of your visit, consider these tips:

  • Early Mornings: Arriving early can help you avoid the crowds and enjoy a more peaceful experience.
  • Weekdays: If possible, visit on a weekday to steer clear of weekend rushes.
  • Spring and Fall: These seasons offer mild weather and beautiful scenery, making them ideal for exploring the castle and its grounds.

Local Legends and Stories

The Lady in White

According to the locals, one of the most famous legends is the Lady in White. The story says that Lady Eleanor who was a noblewoman from the 15th century was fell in love with a humble stonemason named Thomas. Their love was forbidden because of their different social statuses. They had to keep their affair secret. When their love was discovered, Thomas was banished and Eleanor was locked in the castle. She died heartbroken and her spirit is said to roam the halls of Red Bay Castle and still searching for her lost love. Visitors often report seeing a ghostly woman in a white gown that gliding silently through the corridors. Though I did not see anything, I felt a little unsettled during my visit. Something like when you watch a little horror film.

The Cursed Treasure

Another intriguing legend is about hidden treasure buried somewhere in the castle grounds. According to the story, a group of pirates fleeing capture in the 17th century hid at Red Bay Castle. They buried their loot a chest filled with gold and jewels on the castle grounds and placed a curse on it to deter thieves. The curse is said to bring bad luck to anyone who tries to find the treasure. Despite many attempts the treasure remains undiscovered and many who have searched for it have experienced strange incident and bad luck.

The Haunted Chamber

Deep within the castle is a room called the Haunted Chamber. Legend says this room was once a prison cell for traitors and enemies of the castle. The conditions were so harsh that many prisoners died there. Today, it is said that by that locals the spirits of these unfortunate souls linger in the chamber.

Fun Facts of the Castle

  • The castle’s keep dates back to the 12th century. It’s amazing how well-preserved it is, considering its age and the many battles it has witnessed.
  • Red Bay Castle is rumored to have hidden tunnels beneath it. These tunnels were supposedly used for secret escapes and transporting supplies during sieges. Many have tried to map them, but some passages remain undiscovered.
  • Throughout its history, Red Bay Castle has hosted several notable figures, including royalty. King Henry II once stayed at the castle during one of his tours of the region.
  • The castle showcases a blend of architectural styles. Mostly medieval with renovations over the centuries have added elements from the Renaissance and Gothic periods and that makes a unique architectural tapestry.

Of course. It is worth visiting. Because you can also visit nearby attractions like Waterfoot, Ballycastle, and the famous Giant’s Causeway.

Red Bay Castle is one of Ireland’s hidden gems. Here you will be surrounded by centuries of stories and secrets. Next time you’re in the area, make time to visit Red Bay Castle. Don’t miss it. You will cherish it for years to come!

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